
Tiffany Lees Fertility Journey: From IVF Nurse to IVF Patient

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Tiffany Lees Fertility Journey: From IVF Nurse to IVF Patient

Meet Tiffany Lees, an IVF nurse at Main Line Fertility. Some of you may have met Tiffany during your journey, spoken with her on the phone for care plan updates, or seen her during your checkups, but did you know she was also a MLF patient? 

“It is rewarding to be able to help our patients during one of the most difficult chapters of their lives. Some days are really hard, and some are amazing. I know that no matter whether the news is positive or negative, one phone call can be a memory for them forever. As someone who has now gone through the journey, it gives me more reasons to support them every step of the way.”


Tiffany’s Journey

My husband and I went through timed intercourse, intrauterine insemination (IUI), two miscarriages, and in vitro fertilization (IVF). Once born, our sweet Everett Thomas, who will be nine months on August 12th, also spent two months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).


What was the most challenging part of your fertility journey?

Witnessing my friends and family effortlessly become pregnant was one of the most difficult aspects of my journey. After years of trying and spending thousands of dollars, there were moments when I felt incredibly disheartened. It took a toll on my mental health and undoubtedly affected my marriage.

My second miscarriage occurred just as I was waiting to start IVF treatment. When we found out we were unexpectedly expecting, we thought maybe this was our miracle. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Dealing with infertility tested us on every level of our relationship, but nothing ever prepared us for the NICU. Reflecting on our journey, we have learned so much about each other and ourselves. Despite the setbacks, I know these were just chapters in our lives, and we are beyond grateful for our son, Everett, and to be chosen as his parents.


What advice would you give to someone just starting their journey with MLF?

Know that you’re doing all that you can. You’re not a failure, you are stronger than you realize and this is just a chapter in your beautiful story. 

My care team

I am forever thankful to Dr. Bloom, my coworkers, friends, family, and especially my husband. 


We would like to extend a huge thank you to Tiffany for sharing her story. We are honored to have been part of her path to parenthood and so lucky to have her supporting our patients on their own journeys each and every day. Our hope is that sharing her story provides inspiration, hope, and encouragement for those struggling to build their families. If you’re ready to take the next step on your fertility journey, book a consultation with one of our expert physicians. Our doctors and care team members like Tiffany are here to provide personalized, compassionate care every step of the way!