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Importance of Supplements and Binto

How much do you really know about supplements? Access to professional and trusted advice about vitamins and other supplements is essential to women who are trying to get pregnant, especially those who are dealing with fertility challenges. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find the most accurate information about... Continue reading
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Can acupuncture assist with infertility issues?

Infertility patients usually endeavor to do as much as they can to promote their overall good health while keeping a positive outlook. In addition to eating well, exercising and learning about available medical procedures, such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) they may be interested in exploring non-traditional wellness options.... Continue reading
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Dealing with insensitive comments

It’s always uncomfortable when we interact with others who make insensitive remarks and comments that can be interpreted as disrespectful. It’s even more frustrating and painful when couples who are facing infertility issues are on the receiving end of inconsiderate comments from friends, co-workers or even well-meaning family members.... Continue reading